Curling has a long and rich history that dates back centuries. While its origins are lost in the mists of time, by the 16th century, Scottish curlers were already playing the game on frozen ponds and lochs.

Their earliest equipment included large rocks (or stones) formed by nature, each one unique. These stones often had the ability to move left or right (or “curl” left or right) as they slid down the ice, and players used besoms (or brooms) to clear snow and debris from the path of the stones.

Today, curling is a challenging game of strategy, finesse, and strength, contested by teams of four players. The principle of curling is simple – get your team’s stones closer to the center of the target circles (called the “house”) than your opponent. Players of all skill levels and ages can participate and compete together, making curling one of the most unique, multi-generational community sports.

Respect, honor, and tradition are core elements of the game. Curlers are a close-knit community, and you can count on a warm welcome in curling clubs throughout the world. Camaraderie among players is integral to the sport, and tradition calls for both teams to sit together after a game, discussing what was or what “might have been.”

The popularity of the “roaring game,” so called because of the sound the stone makes as it travels across the ice, has grown dramatically since curling became an official Winter Olympic sport in 1998. The United States is now home to more than 150 curling clubs in over 40 states, with nearly 25,000 registered curlers nationwide.

Here at the Detroit Curling Club, we offer league play on weekdays, special events and tournaments on weekends, and open ice time for members to learn and hone their skills. We offer an inviting, friendly, warm, and social environment to meet new people and share this great game. Curling challenges your mind and body and offers a lifetime of joy and reward. We hope you will join us!